Saturday, December 17, 2011

Tips For The Plantronics CS50 Battery

By Owen Jones

The Plantronics CS50 battery makes the headset weight in at only 26 grams or less than one Troy ounce. The Plantronics CS50 battery in the headset is a Li Ion battery with a 100% recharge time of three hours and an 80% recharge time of only ninety minutes.

The Plantronics CS50 wireless headset is a completely hands-free unit and therefore allows the user the choice to roam or operate away from the computer station.

This terrific product from Plantronics is the best in wireless independence for your workplace. The smart Plantronics wireless headset has terrific sound quality and hands-free freedom of up to 100 metres from your work station - in a typical office, this would mean up to 50m.

The Plantronics wireless headset is lightweight and comfortable to wear and can effortlessly attach to your present phone system - it upgrades any traditional work station telephone into a entirely wireless device.

It can be converted into any of three styles, so that you can choose which is best one for you. The alternatives are: over the ear, over the head and (with an optional extra) behind the neck. The Plantronics wireless headset features up to nine hours of talk time and a fast charge time as well.

You may even take telephone calls while you are away from your computer station, using our optional handset lifter - it makes taking a call as easy as picking up a headset.

The overwhelming majority of reviews that I have read about the Plantronic CS50 battery have been positive. However, one man wrote of his experience with a Plantronics CS50 battery.

He wrote that his wife had used a Plantronics CS Bluetooth headset in her office at home, and puts in many of hours on it. After a few years of use, there was, she considered, some difficulty with the headset because it seemed to be losing power. He replaced the original battery with a copy and everything began working just fine again.

In other words, this satisfied customer's wife was using the Plantronics headset intensively for years on one rechargeable Plantronics CS50 battery. That really can't be bad, can it? I need to replace my cell phone battery each year.

He continued his spontaneous review:

'The replacement battery seemed to be just a wee bit too thick, so I took off the label and that little difference allowed me to shoehorn the Plantronics CS50 battery copy into its place. There is not a lot of room to spare there, but it fitted without using a lot of force. Removing the original battery was made easier by using a little tool called a spring hook, which isused in repairing small machines'.

'I had to separate the little plastic connector prongs using two pairs of needlenose pliers, since the fit there was fairly tight. This job, overall, was quite hard, I'd say - for me, at least. But it solved the difficulty, and this battery was a heck of a lot cheaper than the Plantronics CS50 battery'.

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