Saturday, December 24, 2011

You Can Find Solutions For Your Processes In Parallel Data Warehouse Today!

By Dana Harvey

A Parallel Data Warehouse or PDW offers measurable scale-out possibilities in an appliance-based architecture. Massive Parallel Processing hardware or "MPP" provides measurable and predictable performance of larger workloads. It is used, for the most part, on scenarios that are massive in scale, as it can cover hundreds of terabytes.

A Parallel Data Warehouse, in simple terms, must control a great number of physical servers that must each operate on their own SQL servers. To the end user, the database will look like it has only one database and table, even though it actually has many tables spread out across the entire physical server. At this time, it lists a single view of information across the entire function.

The PDW "brain" handles queries while a part of the PDW stores and processes data. As a product, this form of multi-purpose hardware and software put together is truly innovative. Other data warehouses from the past were harder to use when it came to deployment, operations and management.

It is easy to see numerous advantages to parallel data warehousing. For one, the package has opened several possibilities of large scale data processing into a much more economical package. As if the lower cost per terabyte wasn't already enough, it generates queries that are 100 times faster and 10 times more scalable than other SQL server deployments.

Costs can still get up to a million dollars, so it isn't as if just anyone can get one. It comes with a nice package that includes plenty of hardware, licensing and processing power. Most of the packages come with storage, network, and even your own domain controller.

Businesses already process tremendous volumes of data, and it is not likely to decrease at any time in the future. Business processes will rise in the future so someone must decide how organizations will deal with this much data sooner rather than later. As a way to manage the problem in a cost-effective manner, businesses can use existing hardware instead of buying new software.

Called the Parallel Data Warehouse Edition, Microsoft has recently released a new version of their SQL Server. Entering into the arena of data warehousing and Massive Parallel Processing, Microsoft has made headlines. What has made Microsoft's product particularly newsworthy, aside from the fact it is less expensive per terabyte, is that it can be implemented with existing and commodity hardware.

Known as "SMP," Symmetric Multi-Processing architecture on Microsoft's SQL server was all it previously offered. All CPUS storage and memory can be housed in one physical architecture this way. The other database operations are located on the SQL server.

Today, the Microsoft SQL Server Parallel Data Warehouse only works with two kinds of hardware - HP Enterprise Data Warehouse Appliance and DELL. You should be aware that the SQL server, however, cannot be purchased alone. The software only works if it is purchased with the hardware previously mentioned.

Scalability experts provide parallel data warehouse training today that will help businesses take advantage of this new product. It was a great idea for Microsoft to hire experts in scalability to teach businesses how to use their new product and how it affects data management and processing. This faster and more scalable product solution brings better methods to store and access data for the most complicated requirements.

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