Friday, November 4, 2011

Tips on Installing Your Ethernet Cables at Home

By Francis Chisem

A gaming system, computer network or a home office, installing your very own ethernet cables on all of your computers can be done easily. These cables that can be bought in stores are available in standard sizes that may be too long that you will have an extra cable or too short for any of your wall. If you have your own Ethernet cables will give you the proper sizes to fit in your room.

You can gain a lot if you use an ethernet splitter. They are very reliable. It is only normal to be skeptical, although you can try it and test to be sure.

It is required to have the minimum cat 5 (or category 5) for all of your Ethernet cable's connectors and wires. Different kinds of cable are sold for particular functionalities. For different functions with higher categories choose the braided and solid cables. You can use the braided cable to patch your wire desktops or even your cables because it is resilient and flexible. The solid cable is suitable for more longer lengths that are in one place only. The inside portion are still the same even if you have several different cables.

Four pairs make up the cables, with eight colored wires twisted together. Typically each pair have one white wire with a colored stripe that matches the one solid wire. The different connectors will guide you with how to connect these wires.

The solid or braided wire must fit perfectly with our connector because you need to match the type of cable with your cat 5 connector. One of the most common cat 5 connector is known as RJ45, you might confuse it with phone jack although it is much larger, and has eight position modular connector.

After making sure that you already have your connectors and matching cables ready then take away the outer portion of the wire to expose the colored wires beneath it. A diagram is needed to pinpoint the location of the pin on the cat 5 connector and the colored wires accordingly. You have to ensure that you get your diagrams either from online stores, or from your electronics retailer. If you have already wired your connector to your cable, then it is finished.

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