Monday, November 14, 2011

Why You Should You Choose a Lion Battery

By Ian Jefferson

A whole new breed of sufficiently flexible, high-energy lithium batteries is beginning to change the shape of next-generation products. Light and portable gadgets, ranging from notebook computers to handheld medical equipment to tools, are benefiting from constant developments in energy density, as well as from the popularity of thin-format laminate cells. For design and style engineers, the final thought is that compact equipment along with extended charge times are generally more achievable than before.

Definitely, manufacturers of consumer items are carrying out exactly that. Apple Inc. comes with notably previously used laminate-style lithium polymer battery packs towards advantage in the Ipod as well as iPad, along with the paper-thin MacBook Air.

General Motors and also Nissan are actually making use of the same laminate-style modern advances on the Volt and Leaf, while Tesla Motors is utilizing 6,800 cylindrical lithium-ion battery packs in their highly promoted Roadster. On top of that, lithium is actually getting a big niche within the medical industry, whereby cart-based instruments are making way to portable displays.

Among the secrets to the current rise of lithium-ion cells certainly is the ongoing improvement in capacity. Not long ago, two.2Amp-hour cobalt-based lithium batteries were all the trend, but in the last five years, they're replaced instead by lithium cells that made use of nickel-manganese, then nickel-aluminum. Within this march of success, battery capacities increased to 2.6A-hr. and then 2.9A-hr.

In June, Panasonic rolled out the NCR18650A, a lithium-ion cell that once again extends battery pack efficiency, this time around to 3.1A-hr. Later on this current year, a couple of battery power producers plan to turn to 3.4A-hr. Plus 4.0A-hr. power packs in the widely recognized 18650 form element (cylindrical power packs just a bit larger than an AA) could be out as soon as 2013, they mentioned.

Cylindrical cells push the envelope Technical engineers believe that the higher-energy breed of batteries is beginning brand-new applications in countless industries, but particularly in medical. There, customers are incorporating them on portable ultrasound, portable o2 concentrators, and also portable work stations for monitoring clients. At the same time, a classical number of customers still is using lithium-ion as a substitute for nickel-metal hydride power packs in notebook pc's, cell phones, digicams, and even power tools.

Laminate batteries make a comeback Even at the lithium-ion grouping, on the other hand, a sub-category is gaining momentum. Lithium polymer, a branch of lithium-ion that employs a flat laminate composition, is reaching a growing variety of programs. "There's definitely a trend toward lithium polymer in portable devices because there's a race to make them all thinner," TI's Barsukov says. "All of the newest, coolest gadgets out there, starting with Apple and Android devices, are using polymer because of the thin cells and the high energy density."

In fact, Apple's MacBook air measures 0.67 " in thickness, thanks to some extent to the utilization of lithium polymer power packs. Lithium polymer offers many other benefits. Particularly:

Range of flexibility, that permits technical engineers to easily alter some sort of layout to match a recommended space Aspect ratio, turning it into better to produce a substantial, flat cell Higher C-rate, that makes it possible to provide much more current in less time Lithium polymer presents all those choices as it utilizes a laminate structure with an electrolyte that can vary from water to gel to solid. Contrary to conventional lithium-ion cells, that happen to be contained in a metal can, lithium polymer cells are in a minimized foil bag, just like a potato chip bag. The multi-layered bag helps to keep h2o from going into battery as well as avoids electrolytes from leaking out, but it provides an additional: It's far less heavy and even thinner compared to the cylindrical metal housing of the 18650. That, in turn, makes it possible to generate a battery pack that is definitely very similar in form to a loose-leaf notebook.

What's more, lithium polymer cells offer increased rates of discharge. The C-rate -- a parameter that explains the time it takes to completely discharge a battery -- is a lot higher in polymer batteries compared to cylindrical or even prismatic lithium-ion batteries. While traditional lithium-ion power packs top out at C-rates of roughly 2, lithium polymer batteries can have C-rates approaching 15 or more. The cabability to discharge current on quicker rates translates to increased power for the apps.

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