Sunday, October 16, 2011

Aspects That Make Our Life Better

By Gina Gary

We all want to have a better life ahead of us. So, we tend to keep ourselves as healthy as possible but sometimes, there are situations that really test our health and can put us in a dangerous situation. Here are some tips to help you improve your life by taking care of your body, mind, and your soul.

Sever your ties with friends who backstab you. Chances are, you will be reliving the same hell again if you keep them. Disconnect yourself from these type of people and your life will be much better with your true friends.

Having the right amount of sleep can do wonders for your health. Notice that when a person lacks sleep he is constantly annoyed and impatient. So, by getting enough sleep, you tend to be a lot nicer to everyone around you.

Work out at least four hours a week to help maintain your figure or better yet, allow yourself to spend a couple of hours a day to roam around your neighborhood and burn calories that you have collected for the entire day.

Invest your weekend to boost your mental health by reading a book, watch a movie at home or catch up on your favorite TV shows. Try to do something that is not in your weekday routine over the weekend. This will separate you from the stress at work.

Invite friends over for some dinner then watch your favorite movie altogether. This will not only bring you and your friends closer but you will also boost your ego and the way you feel about yourself. Choose a comedy movie to add the benefits of laughter.

Have sex on a regular basis. Weekly sex increases your antibodies which means, you have a strong immune system. It also burns about 85 calories and increases your estrogen level which helps you look younger and healthier.

Donate something or give $5 to a homeless person. There is nothing compared to having to share something to a person who needs your help. Not only will you get to have that warm fuzzy feeling inside, you have also helped a person who might help you someday.

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