Sunday, October 23, 2011

You Can Make 300 Gold in an Hour

By Clark Piela

Trying to find a new Wow gold farming guide can be difficult for a new Wow player. There are so many World of Warcraft gold farming guides out there within the website. Many of the gold guides claimed that they can help you make 700 gold an hour or more. That is why I am going to review the best guide that I found. Before I start the actual review, I need to talk about who the writer is.

First of all, you should loot everything you can. But you ought not go straight to the auction house to sell the things you got. You'd better do some research to locate that the median price of the item. That way you do not under sell and leave money on the table.

Absolutely, it is not easy to make Wow gold. You will be able to loot valuable items and sell them for a few gold pieces. You can also take some quests and finish them will guarantee you some gold through the gaming system. To play in the game you should know that survive and power leveling are the two key facets of the game. In order to fulfill these conditions you need cash.

The new character is often called the alt character. It is used to save your time. You can mail your items to your alt character whenever you find some thing in another city. That can save your time on the way to empty your main character's bag.

Fourth, you should get a gathering profession first. My favorite profession is the mining profession. You can use the mining profession to grinding for ore early on. The ore can be sold at a high price in the auction house. Fifth, you should invest in bags. If you want to mine for the most items you should have enough bags to hold them. So you should prepare enough bags for your character.

In addition, farming for items is a tested method to earn great profits. Gold farming is the most common way of making gold in Wow because players can level up their characters and earn some gold in the same time frame. You can pick a method and try if it is fit for you.

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