Wednesday, October 26, 2011

The Sorry Tale Of My PS3 YLOD - And How I Put It Right

By Grover Glaubke

Just simply a handful of weeks ago, my world came to an end. Practically. You see my Playstation developed the PS3 yellow light error. I could not have been much more troubled if my pussy-cat had developed hemmorhoids!

You see, they were holding a gun to my brain (not literally of course) and were demanding $150 to repair it - it was looking like it was time to get the balaclava out and head down to the local savings & loan. In a voice that sounded like some deranged terrorist the support centre guy then threatened to keep hold of my games console for up to 8 weeks - all right, I'll shell out the ransom I was thinking - but truth hit when I noticed that I could not afford that type of hard cash - and Mel Gibson is hardly ever around when you need him! After politely refusing their kind offer (and slamming the cell phone off the wall a couple of times) I decided to look for another way to sort the dilemma out. And guess what? It turns out that repairing the PS3 yellow light error is really a lot less difficult than you may well think. Sure, you've got to open up the case and delve into the guts of the appliance but once you know what to do it becomes a fairly routine process .

I have to say, at this point, that the thought of ripping the heart out of my console and subjecting it to a very romantic examination didn't precisely strike me as a good idea. However, a repair guy called Rob Sheffield changed my opinion on that, and I'm really glad that he did. His downloadable e-book, which costs only the price of your typical PS3 game, came to the rescue and I was fired up to start getting the issue fixed. A quick glance through the information told me that I had made a excellent choice - even though I 'm an entire techno-phobe I could still make sense of his suggestions. All it took was around 30 minutes of easy studying (my advice is do it on the lavatory if you are easily distracted) and the data was implanted in my addled human brain. In the guide Rob explained how the repair would only take approximately one hour - but I have to say I didn't believe this. The thing is, despite my best efforts to screw it up the repair was carried out in about 59 minutes and 58 seconds - you know just like that countdown in those wonderful (ahem) Mission Impossible movies - with practically seconds to spare. Luckily, because of the video instructions - I did mention them didn't I - my minor goofs were soon recovered and I breezed into the home straight with basically seconds to spare. .

Repair done, I put my gaming console back together once again and held my breath before the big bang. I pushed the power switch and - nothing - well no bang anyway! Nothing other than a cool green light and those comforting start-up noises. Within another few minutes my PS3 was firing on all cylinders and I was the most happy game lover alive - well aside from the guy who just completed Assassins Creed - and what's more I was over $100 in pocket!

Ok, so if a dork much like me can fix the PS3 yellow light error - you sure as bejesus can. It might seem as challenging as taking out a level 42 wizard on WOW but it is actually pretty simple - but as they say (almost) on morning shows - dont try this alone. There are several steps that need care and attention but, usually, its really simple to get right. So, if your power light starts blinking an angry yellow color at you then don't telephone Sony, just lookup Rob Sheffield and get a copy of his incredible repair guide. My old mum used to say - never ever trust a something or other - I cannot remember - but in any case, be sure to trust in this tale and get yourself over to his website and get back to video gaming in under an hour.

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